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Back to work and back to school

As we are going back to ordinary duties our special thought goes this time to all mothers who will have to cope in this Covid World with work, smart working solutions, partially running schools, partially running sports and music lessons and fuzzy regulations concerning diseases, the flu, temperature and quarantine.

Why not recognizing their efforts and strength and commitment with a nice present? A nice, precious present that will last forever and will tell that we love them and do really care.

Polkino” is a ring that will accompany them as they go to school, rush to work, to the supermarket or to the gym, that can be worn while cooking, playing with the dog, working in the garden or just watching a movie on tv with all the family.

In white, yellow or pink gold and with a sparkle of diamonds they have a central cabochon tourmaline in the several colours of this amazing gem-stone: red, pink, blue, lilac, green, orange, brown and a variety of different hues.

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