Yes, if it is a jewel it has to be precious. We feel like it's time for claiming that jewels must be realized with precious materials otherwise they are not jewels but rather accessories or, costume jewellery.
And the reason for this is that precious materials – gold, diamonds, gemstones – are rare and expensive because they are beautiful, they shine more, have the most incredible colours and fulfil our inner need for beauty and harmony, a craving that we want to nourish as it makes our lives definitively better.
So we would like to present these new “Eels” rings with emeralds, rubies and blue sapphires: natural gemstones not treated, with brilliant vibrant colours that we incredibly love.

As usual with us the gemstones are mounted on delicate pink gold, shiny polished, for a warm effect that gives more flame to the jewels. Spring is arriving and these rings are perfect for welcoming one of the most cherished moments of the year.
The final touch to them is represented by the white diamonds adding freshness to the whole.
We have already fallen in love with the three available colours.
Which one is going to be your favourite one?