With this February issue of our newsletter we are proud to present the new Porte-Bonheur collection, a collection made by necklaces, bracelets and earrings that will bring good vibes to our life. They are irresistible in their multiple combinations so you just can't miss them!
Since long time ago men have been wearing good luck charms , porte-bonheur in french: small objects that will bring happiness, health, richness and fortune to those wearing them.
The list of these objects is very long indeed. They can represent: numbers, ladybirds, four-leaf clovers, horseshoes, elephants, chimneysweepers, fishes, coins, plants and many other elements of the natural life depending on the different countries and cultures. The significance of each being deeply rooted into either folkore, mythology, religion, tradition or a combination thereof.
We have created our personal version of Porte-Bonheur: joyful, colourful and cheerful. The collection is presented in pink gold, brown, black and white diamonds and rubies. Available in either polished or satinated gold
So what are you waiting for?
Choose one for yourself or choose one as a gift for someone you are really fond of! 🍀